How can i fix my cell phone it got wet blog

Probably one of the best tips in the world on how to fix your cell phone if it got wet, is right here. Look no further. I will give you just the information you are looking for. In the future this blog will also give you other related info, that you will find useful. Things to come, are for exampel recommendations on cell phone accessories, info on the most common way of ruining a mobile, and how you can prevent this etc.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Theres really no telling what will happen when your mobile gets wet. It just is so much electronics inside a phone. But if you follow these tips you should hopefulle be fine. Here you can see this unlucky guy who got his cell phone wet, this is what can happen:

Apparently this guy washed his phone in the washingmachine. Then he plugged it in after letting it dry over night. But unlucky him the phone only would turned on and on and on and on... its serious toast that phone im afraid.