How can i fix my cell phone it got wet blog

Probably one of the best tips in the world on how to fix your cell phone if it got wet, is right here. Look no further. I will give you just the information you are looking for. In the future this blog will also give you other related info, that you will find useful. Things to come, are for exampel recommendations on cell phone accessories, info on the most common way of ruining a mobile, and how you can prevent this etc.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Cell phone Accessories recommendation for you, who recently waterdamaged your cell!
It has come to my attention that making a backup on what you have on your cell phone seems
to be a very good idea. Probably the most frustrating thing about damaging/losing your phone, is that you also lose all your numbers and contacts. I therefore recommend you to get a sim card backup device. I mean come on, its a great invention isnt it? IT SURE IS! How annoying isnt it
to type every number and contact name again, into a new cell phone. And some numbers are
sometimes lost forever. Here it is! Go to this site. It looks easy to use, and the price isnt bad at
all. I will return later with more cell phone accessories that you cant be without, when you
want to keep your cell phone alive and away from nasty things like waterdamage. Stay tuned for
more, here at: " How can i fix my cell phone it got wet blog " ;)


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